Camera Obscura

“As the world of photography grows ever more digitized, Abelardo Morell offers a glorious and surprising reminder of its classical roots. The well-known Cuban-born photographer essentially turns a room into the interior of a camera. He blacks out the windows, leaving a pinhole opening in one of them. Because of the nature of refracted light, the scene outside the window is projected upside down into the dim room. Morell then captures the room on film with a large-format view camera; exposures can take eight hours or more.”

Ongelofelijk mooi! Als iemand nog een Sinterklaas kadootje voor mij zoekt…


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  1. Gaaf!

    ps. Sinterklaas: mocht u dit boek via Amazon willen bestellen, ik woon in Engeland en kan zonder hoge delivery-kosten boeken bestellen.